Re: [CR]Pink RH lots of questions now RH Bashers...

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:29:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Pink RH lots of questions now RH Bashers...
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
To: Matty Gorski <>, <>, Alex March <>
Thread-Topic: [CR]Pink RH lots of questions now RH Bashers...
Thread-Index: Acf0ZvUkM497WGBaEdyWsAAWy8lbaw==
In-Reply-To: <>

Hello Matty,

Well said. The only thing that I wish to add is that we only see Alex March as he is the most visible however Rhclassics is really three people. Alex, his sister Helen and their father Neville. Neville does a lot of the wrenching, polishing and prep work. Helen is the historian for the bicycles. Their collection is impressive and resides in a quaint farm house in Saint Aubin de Branne which is near Bordeaux.

Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA

On 9/11/07 1:50 AM, "" <> wrote:
> Dear Alex/CR Folk,
> I for one totally appreciate the Rene Herse mystique. I own several and enjoy
> each immensely! It's a rare pleasure that most will never get a chance to
> experience the ride of one-yet many here on the list have no compunction
> bashing or denigrating the marque even
> without having riding or seeing one in person. If it's not your
> thing that's OK. What is not OK is harshing on a listmember who is
> auctioning a bike you don't like or understand. Rene Herse, Alex Singer and
> many other constructeurs did much for the cycling world
> and tradition with their creativity, innovations and workmanship. Alex March
> has put together a great website and resource for all to enjoy.
> Alex brings to ebay and the list bikes and parts even the most avid collector
> won't likely come across in a hundred bicycle swaps, jumbles or flea markets.
> This isn't about a Pink Rene Herse's about showing some respect
> and courtesy to a fellow list member who has done considerably more for the
> vintage bicycle world than those who wish to defame his auctions. Please save
> the smug retorts and just relax.
> Respectfully Submitted,
> Matthew Gorski
> Belmont Shore
> California USA
>> On a more general approach, it's a pity that the Rene
>> Herse bashers out there seem to have a louder voice
>> and are capable of longer diatribes than the RH
>> lovers.
>> Maybe I'll start a bit of Colnago bashing to stirr up
>> a bit of trouble. By the way, lovers of Italian bikes,
>> that RH has a Cinelli BB, I just uploaded an extra
>> photo.
>> Basically it's just a question of taste, either you
>> are open to the aesthetics of the following photo and
>> appreciative of the intrinsic quality of the
>> workmanship on the bike or you aren't...
>> Alexander March
>> Bordeaux
>> France