[CR]**************CR Lunch at L'EROICA********************

(Example: History)

Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 21:47:00 -0700
From: "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
To: CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]**************CR Lunch at L'EROICA********************

This is going out to all US and International CR members who might be in the neighborhood of Gaiole in Chianti ,Italy on Saturday October 6th. Join me for light Lunch at the La Fonte de Cieco hotel on the square(you cant miss it ,look for wool jerseys fluttering in the wind) We will be set up on the Patio in front of the hotel. I intend to smuggle in some California wine and we will feast on local Cheeses and meats with a hunk of bread thrown in,dessert will be local fruit and probably something with sugar in it. Guest of honor will be the Grand Pobah of the CR list, Dale Brown, Il Capo de Tutti. Let me know if you will be there as I must balance the wine supply versus spare socks(not to be confused with non California wines which maybe made with old gym socks) The Exposition and swap takes a lunch break and reopens with registration so we will meet during the break. Private audiences with the Capo can be arranged by including CASH in a plain brown envelope. Rumor has it music will be provided by Harvey Sachs playing his favorite train whistle tunes. further special guests TBA...............................

                                              MILL VALLEY ,CA USA
                                 at least for the next couple weeks then Chianti ,Italy