Galen asked me to forward this.> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 18:54:01 -0700> Sub
ject: Re: [CR]what students are riding these days> To:>
From:> > Robert,> I meant to send this this to the entire
list, but I'm sending it from my > mobile which isn't linked to my CR accou
nt. Feel free to forward it to > the list if you think it warrants it.> > I
'm quite heartened by your story and I suspect it's becoming > increasingly
common. Over the last few years I've seen the San > Francisco's cog-know-s
centi (with apologies for the borrowed and mangled > pun) change their defi
nition of the ne plus ultra of bikes from all-NJS > Keirin machines, to cla
ssic Italian track iron, and now to (mostly) > Italian road machines from t
he '60s, '70s, and '80s. Amost all of these > bikes are lugged steel, and m
any, if not most, are out of small shops > where the torch had a good chanc
e of being held by the person who's name > is on the downtube.> I think the
new generation of budding collectors (and I include myself > in that group
) are off to a great start, and I'm looking forward to > seeing what new di
scoveries come to light as the next generation begins > to discover our hob
by.> > Galen Pewtherer> San Francisco, CA> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:05, rob
ert st.cyr wrote:> >> > When I went to lunch today on the campus of U.C. Da
vis I was passed by > > a st> > udent riding a red 1970's Masi grand criter
ium. Yes, this bike was > > being us> > ed for his campus beater/commuter b
ike. As general manager of the on > > campus> > bike shop (the Bike Barn) I
have been pleased to observe a noticable > > incre> > ase in the number of
lugged steel on-topic bikes that have been coming > > into> > my shop for
repairs. Most recently I have worked on a early 60's Olmo > > in g> > old,
a late sixties yellow Paramount, a couple of PX 10's both blue and > > whi>
> te ones, a Davidson, an Albert Eisentraut(47cm built with aero tubing, >
> gold> > and painted by JB), a 67cm Shadowfax (built by John Padgett of S
aturn > > fame> > ),and a chrome Stella. At the Barn (yes, my building is a
1910 dairy > > barn)> > we perform more than 10,000 repairs annually, most
ly on BSO's (bicycle > > shap> > ed objects) from those evil, unmentionable
box stores. However, I have > > noti> > ced a nice increase in well-made J
apanese road bikes in for repairs.> > It is refreshing to see young people
embracing lugged steel and seeing > > a re> > surgence in fixie bikes. All
of my employees (about 14) are sudents > > between> > the ages of 18 and 23
and all have road bikes. One rides a 1970 > > Colnago th> > at is mostly o
riginal, another has a 70's Gazelle (lugged 531) > > converted to> > a fixi
e. Most of my collectable bikes are stored here at the shop and > > alwa> >
ys generate much conversation among my staff and visitors. I enjoy > > edu
catin> > g them on the virtues of hand-made lugged steel bikes. My best gue
ss is > > the> > students are showing up with bikes that their parents gave
them, that > > is,> > their parents old bikes that have been laying around
in the garage for > > year> > s. Most of the incoming freshmen have parent
s in their late 40's to > > early 5> > 0's, so it would make sense that the
bikes the students are riding > > today we> > re purchased new or used by
their parents back in the early 70's to > > early 8> > 0's.> >> > Robert St
.Cyr> > Davis, Ca. USA> > _________________________________________________
________________> > Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities
at the Messenger > > Caf> > é.> >
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