Why thank you, sir! Pending a different opinion being expressed by our fellow-travelers (whoops, that doesn't sound right), I reckon that two Sanfords and two Sachses will be in attendance.
Harvey Sachs has the unique ability to empty small rooms and large halls, just by picking up a musical instrument or singing his only note... He has volunteered not to do so at this soiree.
BTW, what low gear will you have?
thanks! harvey
Bob Freitas wrote:
> This is going out to all US and International CR members who might be
> in the neighborhood of Gaiole in Chianti ,Italy on Saturday October 6th.
> Join me for light Lunch at the La Fonte de Cieco hotel on the square(you
> cant miss it ,look for wool jerseys fluttering in the wind)
> We will be set up on the Patio in front of the hotel. I intend to
> smuggle in some California wine and we will feast on local Cheeses and
> meats with a hunk of bread thrown in,dessert will be local fruit and
> probably something with sugar in it.
> Guest of honor will be the Grand Pobah of the CR list, Dale
> Brown, Il Capo de Tutti.
> Let me know if you will be there as I must balance the wine supply
> versus spare socks(not to be confused with non California wines which
> maybe made with old gym socks)
> The Exposition and swap takes a lunch break and reopens with
> registration so we will meet during the break.
> Private audiences with the Capo can be arranged by including
> CASH in a plain brown envelope.
> Rumor has it music will be provided by Harvey Sachs playing his
> favorite train whistle tunes.
> further special guests TBA...............................
> at least for the next couple weeks then
> Chianti ,Italy