[CR]Velo-Rendezvous 7 Redux/who was there~

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 23:54:29 -0500 (CDT)
From: <bikenut@verizon.net>
To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Velo-Rendezvous 7 Redux/who was there~

Another Velo-Rendezvous has come and gone. That Doppler of event anticipation that was so far off not long ago grew steady then raged a few days now it recedes. It was easily the best V-R ever and that speaks volumes based on the previous V-R Events. A little unseasonable rain added some excitement but barely effected the action. I was unable to ride due to a fractured heel bone but I was able to hook up with some of the guys earlier in the week and then attended the Saturday and Sunday events. I brought all 10 of my Colnagos that fit the timeline and had a blast working on all of them for a busy fortnight before and then a few days of wrenching into the wee hours of the morning just previous to Sundays Event. Thanks to all who helped load, unload, setup and convey the bikes (Jay, Wayne, Brian, Maurice and the usual suspects) and to Derek Willburn for jumping in and spinning wrench throughout the weeks and especially for the big push from early Saturday afternoon to early Sunday morning.

Saturdays frame show and tell was a great ice-breaker with many interesting frames being discussed. It was a bit chilly and cloudy and by the time the pizza arrived it was coming down pretty good (which is good for SoCal) and so 1/3 of the group went for the cover of the big tree, 2/3 went to the slide and corner towers of the children's playground. It was quite a sight seeing 2 kiddies towers packed with men eating pizza trying to avoid the rain. Pics of that to follow ;^) Sunday was beautiful in the way the sky and ground was swept clean by rain that we have waited so long for. Many hands made the setup go quickly! The bicycle selection was incredible with some very memorable Colnagos, Masis, Confentes, Teds old track iron and example after example of hand built and production vintage bicycles frames. So much to see and so many old friends to chat with! The time went by way too fast...flitting from bicycle to bicycle and friend to friend the next thing you know Sig. Pergolizzi is announcing the Maurice managed bicycle judging. Luckily we had about 90 more minutes for debriefing, loading up, good-bys and a great cigar with JB. We missed Jan Johnson, Guy Apple and Felix Chiu from N. California & CAN, but a good contingent did make it down led by Peter Johnson, Chris Gonzales, JB Froke, Dale Phelps(now CO) and Marc St Martin. The boys from San Diego were well represented...Brian Baylis, Joe Bell, Carlos Martel, John Pergolizzi, Rob & Christine O'Callaghan, Sterling Peters and the folks from Cyclart. Thanks as well to Wayne and Maurice from the east coast and all who traveled to make the event what it was and to the cross-town'ers and regular Rose Bowl riders Charles Andrews, Carmen Tunis, Paulie Davis, Davis Jansen, John & Stacy Morrison, Tony B, Aaron Lipstadt, Scott Smith, Wes Oishi, Ted Ernst, John Waner, Brian Ignatin, Jack Gabus, Rick Risemberg and all.....

The Best and most Sincere thanks to Chuck and Sherry for making this the best Velo-Rendezvous ever!! We can't wait for next year!!

Matty Gorski
Long Beach,