will get you to the pics of the weyless hub with mavic rim.
> From:> To:> Subject: [C
R] weyless mavic wheel offer.> Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:35:15 +0000> > > >
Cr listers: > I would like to sell a Weyless r hub with mavic rim from abo
ut late 70's.> $75 shipped> to conus. and I will pack it well. > > Weyless
hub with skewer. for a rider, not a show bike. reasonable condi> tion, bear
ings> spin smooth. but may sound dry. has atom 14-28 freewheel. not a lot o
f > wear. 36 spokes > > Mavic red label rim. spokes might be robergel, hard
to tell. will post > a pic> on my web page. look for ebay items. I'm holdi
ng it off ebay for the > cr list. > > my web page> > Robb R
asmussen> Sioux River Bicycles> 501 Main ave> Brookings, SD 57006> > >