I have purchased numerous small parts as well as a frame from pinare with no problems. His bag seems to be to purchase whole bikes then part them out, typically at reasonable BIN prices. The sum of the parts is almost allways greater than the whole. An example is a recent, later, fully pantographed Pogliaghi, that no one seemed to want. I had my one good eye on it but it was a tad too big, and it violated my +/- 2cm rule (a much more liberal constraint than Ray Dobbins 10 bike rule). Pinare scooped it at like 600 bucks. The frame, pantographed parts, and Super Record components individually fetched way over twice what the whole bike sold for. I think the frame along brought over $600. I've thought about how easy it would be to do this, but am not in it for the bread, and don't have the patience. Anyway, he does provide a service to guys like us by "breaking bulk". Not a bad place to buy if you need a bottom bracket or pair of brake calipers and dont want to jag around with potentially unrealistic bidding and the snipe game.
Jeff Pyzyk
Milwaukee, WI