Matthew Bowne wrote <snip>:
WTB: Campy [barcons] (I've got red shifter rubber to match the bike!), but would also consider Suntour...heard great stuff about those ratcheting numbers. <snip> +++++++++++++++++++ I have Campy barcons on one bike, Suntours on another, and Shimano on a third. Friction, ratchet, and counter-spring respectively. All can be made to work well. In the end, I think the Suntours win for the combination of being easy to find (Schwinn was Suntour), reliable, and easy-shifting. Those who follow Rivendell will remember that the early Suntours had a coarser ratchet step than the later ones, but I never found it mattered much. Shimanos are funky, because they are rare. Work well, and feel almost frictionless when the karma and set-up are perfect.
harvey sachs
mcLean va