Re: [CR] It was a joke!

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] It was a joke!
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 16:30:05 -0800
To: " ((E-mail))" <>

Joe Starck wrote:
> --- Chuck Schmidt <> wrote:
>> Dale Brown wrote:
>>> Your response is exactly why I have included, in
>> the CR rules, the
>>> following:
>>> << 9. Please do not send "Attaboy", "Me too" or
>> joke messages. >>
>>> Jokes are too often not understood by readers of
>> e-mails. And
>>> that's among us here in the USA! Imagine how our
>> jokes are
>>> perceived by the members from other lands who do
>> not have English
>>> as their first language!
>> "Use a pun, go to prison!"
>> Chuck Schmidt
>> South Pasadena, CA
> Are the cuffs on ya yet, Chuck?
> Joe Starck
> Madison, WI USA

Well no, because I screwed up the pun actually... it was supposed to read, "Use a pun go to jail!" not "Use a pun go to prison!" Take off of the public service announcement "Use a gun go to jail."

Yeah, too much info, I know... (i think i hear dale coming).

Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, CA