I sometimes retail. It ain't all that tough to do in essence. Don't promise what you can't deliver, deliver what you promise and when you can't just be honest. Pick up the phone when it rings or answer messages left and answer emails within a week or so.
Keeping money sent for unsent orders for a year and a half while refusing to answer emails isn't retail, it's theft pure and simple. "Well meaning" people don't do that. There's no sugar coating it.
That said I've known some interesting and charming rip-offs before too. Charm is as vital to scamming as it is to legitimate salesmanship.
Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA USA
On 1/2/07, oroboyz@aol.com <oroboyz@aol.com> wrote:
> Here's the deal. (...in my highly speculative opinion)
> They are great, sincere, enthusiastic folks who FAIL TO COMMUNICATE!
> And who have gotten in over their heads..
> Just like a few other CR sellers, they promise more than they can deliver,
> out of optimism and naivete, not dishonesty. But then, when they are waaay
> behind and unable to deliver as promised, instead of communication, they
> have dodged it all, thinking they "would catch up soon and everything will
> then be OK."
> So a few of you have had a bad experience.
> My advice, keep cutting them some slack and they will eventually come
> through. Remind them nicely and things will be OK. Get abusive (as you may
> think you have the right) and things go to hell in a hand basket fast...
> I am telling you folks, it just ain't easy being a retailer! :)
> Dale Brown
> cycles de ORO, Inc.