John- I thought my schrader/presta valve hole question was a pretty good one until about 160 people answered my question. At that point I realized that there were serious chinks in my armor. The nice thing now is that I'm able to walk through doors without scraping my ears.
John Barron
Minneapolis MN
Crumpy wrote:
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 22:22:17 EST
Subject: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 49, Issue 68 John .Baron and
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I am amused for once, that John Baron, of all people, a chap who can tell US
ALL everything we ever needed to know about Campag Do Dads that go back to
the dark ages, along wih info on ANYTHING we ever need to know about anything
to do with bikes, IS AKING FOR ADVICE on filling a bloody (H)OLE! John YOU
MUST BE PUTTING US ON, or bored with the weather, Cheers, John Crump
OldgoingbacktosleepBrit, Parker Co USA