[CR]CR List, eBay, what's all about?

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

As those of you know who read and try to follow the CR rules (!), "atta-boys" (i.e., messages that simply agree with the previous poster) are verbotten, but this message from Peter needs to be added to some "permanent reminder" board explaining the CR listserve's guiding philosophy. He really nailed it. For folks not interested in eBay stuff, just don't read it. I rarely buy via eBay but I sure have seen some cool things I might never have seen otherwise. Thanks Peter, as is a pain to type out messages on this little Blackberry gizmo and you said it all better than I could have!

Dale Brown Greensboro, NC USA Classicrendezvous.com (but currently sitting in the town square in Gaiole in Chianti, tapping this out with my index finger nail) Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

-----Original Message----- From: "P.C. Kohler" <kohl57@starpower.net>

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 19:04:08 To:<Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [CR]CR List or eBay Lite?

Nick Bordo's post complaining about too much eBay content on the CR List is an old but valid one.

I just happen to disagree.

Firstly, if we accept that the CR List is a group of bike guys talking bikes in Dale's "garage", then consider eBay is like the world's biggest garage sale. No other medium brings together more bikes, components, clothing, catalogues etc. pertaining to our hobby. For some of us, it's how we are able to collect in the first place. So on a practical basis, eBay "outing" is useful here I think. No matter how clever your search methods are. And even if you are foolish enough to think only you had bookmarked that Rene Herse with a .99 cent starting price.

Secondly, eBay is invaluable even if you never bid or buy anything. Each week we get to see 100s of components and bikes. A few listings are indeed the best chance we get to see some rare and wonderful things. I suggest the finest single collection of classic cycle and component photos anywhere can be had just collecting Hilary Stone's weekly auctions and his informative descriptions.

Finally, eBay auctions prompt discussion of what this list is supposed to be all about: classic bikes. From the vageries of Campagnolo dating or design to that Masi repainted as a Sears Free Spirit (or is it the other way around?) eBay offerings are a catylist to learning more.

I do miss the For Sale/Trade pages on the CR webpage (that's how I got my '80 Raleigh 753 Team Pro) and Dale deleted this for good (to him) reasons. And yes, I'd rather buy or trade with other CR Listers than via eBay given half the chance.

But eBay isn't going away. It's not for everyone. But it need not be of use or interest only if you're buying or selling. And I think it remains a useful tool on many counts for the collector of classic lightweights.

Peter Kohler Washington DC USA

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