tom dalton wrote:
What we have on the Pog is a poorly selected and poorly installed bunch of mush, slapped on a nice and reasonably restrained frame, and then given the stock ings-on-a-pig treatment in an attempt to tart things up. Theres good gaudy and ba d gaudy. This bike is bad gaudy. Its not even a good example of a dubious 198 0s fad.
well, I'm sittin' here hangin' my head a little, because Tom picked up on s ome stuff I didn't really notice. I have that bad habit. Like a cat with shiny objects, I don't notice the details sometimes, just the shine.
I must confess, I do like the paint infilling. The world stripes and cinel li sticker on the stem I thought went along with the overall theme, but I c ould do without them. the mismatched parts I simply didn't bother to notic e because I wasn't interested in buying the bike.
I was more interested in whether the frame was a repaint. Based on some of the comments we had, I'm thinking it was a repaint.
It's also worth noting that 60s and early 70s Pogliaghis, in original paint and parts, have a kind of "f-you" macho quality that can be quite appealin g. Very different from the vibe of the bike on ebay.
Pogliaghi made his reputation in track singles and tandems, and it doesn't get any more hairy in cycling than a track tandem match sprint--if there wa s such a thing..<g> whatever the event, though, hairy (ok, motor-pacing is hairier, but still, track-tandem racing scares me just thinking about it).. I'm not surprised track tandem racing doesn't exist anymore. Who'd be craz y enough to be stoker in such an event, now? <g>
Anyway, in the wake of all the comments I realized, not really for the firs t time, that the red pogliaghi doesn't do much to honor the marque, even th ough it probably came from the original shop. You can just see the stamped serial number on one of the headlugs..a reliable sign that the bike was ma de before, or just after, Rossin took over (or whoever it was--I don't thin k Basso had the marque from Sante, I think it passed through someone else's hands first, Rossin is the usual suspect, but perhaps someone here knows t he true story?) ...and Pogliaghis never struck me as mannerist bikes..full- on racing machines, and decoration be damned, yes. Decorative? Nope.
I still like the paint-detailing on the parts though.. And those dice. Ho w can you not like those dice?? <g>
Charles Andrews
Los angeles