Re: [CR]Comments on Ray's new 72 Colnago Super

(Example: Racing)

Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 19:13:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Raymond Dobbins <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Comments on Ray's new 72 Colnago Super
In-Reply-To: <>

That's me taking advantage of the fisheye effect of the stem clamp bolt, which actually makes me look warped but slimmer.

I have it from a knowledgable source that the Merckx-style drilled ring on this 72 Super predates the Pantografata model which, according to the same source, was introduced at the 1973 Milan Show. Any information confirming or to the contrary is welcome.

As to the Pantografata catalog page, all I have is a minimal resolution image, which you can see here:

Our own Charles Andrews owns an original of this page. Charles apparently has a scanner (or has access to one), but unfortunately he does not feel he has the technological skills required to make a high quality scan. He told me would try, but it's been long enough now that I think he's forgotten. Sorry Charles, but whatever it takes - we want a high resolution image of this valuable reference piece, and we will not be denied! Matty G. has already undertaken to apply pressure on his end.

So there you have it, it's up to Charles now :)

Ray Dobbins (I think I got out of that one OK) Miami, FL Usa wrote:

But who is the little warpy looking person in the stem clamp bolt?

(Unofficially said on E-Richie's behalf :)

Ray, why do you say in one of the captions that the Merckx drilled chainring predates the 73 Pantografatas? Where can we view The Colnago Super Pantografata catalog page, please? Thanks...

Ciao, Mark Agree Southfield MI ~ ~ ~

Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:08:22 -0400 From: To: Subject: [CR]Comments on Ray's new 72 Colnago Super

Looking closer at your pics, that bike is what I consider a definitive Colnago:

- Stamped lugs & bb (i.e., pre-investment cast) - This frame shows a culmination of all the detail niceties that had been evolving in frame building to that point. - Lovely, thin, long filed lugs (soon would be replaced by as-is investment castings, replicating that hand filed look but not the same.) - Might even be hand made scalloped seat stay top eyes, rather than a plug in pre made bit. (Brian Baylis, if you read this can you tell me if this era used plugs or were constructed using a concave piece of tubing etc?) - Reinforcement plug inserted in seat post lug ears. - Perfectly positioned top-of-bbkt cable guides (often screwed up by even supposedly knowledgeable builders) - Flattened/thinned (maybe dangerously so) rear dropouts. - Extremely nice fork crown. - Great seat post & stem, the best of the Colnago panto versions....? - That is for sure "ruddy brown" primer, IMO

All and all, I think that will be another show stopper under Ray's capable hands.

Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina USA

-----Original Message----- From: Raymond Dobbins To: Classic Rendezvous Bike List Sent: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:24 am Subject: [CR]My new 72 Colnago Super - Part One

I won this bike on eBay last month, and I finally received it a couple of weeks ago. Now I have a page on my site dedicated to it. I call it Part One because so far the page includes the photos from the original listing, and the photos that I took after I got the bike out of the box last week. Coming soon in Part Two will be photos of the re-assembled bike, after cleanup, touch up and a couple of component changes.

Here's the link:

As always, all your comments are welcome.

Thanks for looking.

Ray Dobbins Miami FL USA

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