Re: [CR]What else; Am I crazy/Peugeot

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: <>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 08:52:30 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]What else; Am I crazy/Peugeot

Peter Kohler wrote:
> <<That makes about three of us on the list so far.>> (waxing poetic about
> French racing bicycles)
> I don't generally get all that poetic about bicycles, perhaps because I work on them quite a bit?

In any case, as Fred Rednor also pointed out, there are more than three French enthusiasts on this List. As a long time member, I have had at least 40 French bicycles over the past 30 years or so, and have always appreciated their ride quality. My current number of "Frenchies" is down to but 3, however one of them, a Motobecane Grand Touring (with wonderful Super Vitus tubing) still ranks as one of my all time favorite and comfortable riding bicycles.
> And Peter also wrote:
> <<The build qualityof Peugeots in general was far better at the end than
> the glory days.>>
> I agree completely. I currently have (my other two French bicycles) a 1981 Peugeot PXN10LE (Super Competition) which stands quite a bit above the late 60s through mid 70s PX-10s I have owned (and sold!).

My remaining French bicycle, a 1986 Peugeot PX (Columbus SLX), is finished nicer than the Super Competition. When I was younger I never cared too much about the seeming build quality of most of the bicycles I had. It was all about the ride, and the French bicycles were, for me, the best.


Chuck Brooks Malta, NY (USA)

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