So I recently picked up one of the Fraysse¹s old Paris Sport track frames. It was built in the 70¹s by Dangre Starnord, but oddly repainted by and rebaged in the 90¹s By Cuervas. Paris Sport DT decals, Cuervas Spain HT and ST decals. Either way, I love the frame.
Today I took it to my LBS to ream and measure the seatube. Diagnosis: 25.6 argh!
So, I¹m in the market for a Stronglight or Simplex seatpost 24.6 diameter, preferably fluted. Worst case scenario is that I have a 25.0 simplex post that I can shim, but I would really like to have the correct size and rid myself of the Kalloy that currently graces it.
So if anyone has one or a lead, please contact me off list.
Sean Flores
San Francisco, CA