I posted some pictures of my 1980 Gitane TT bike
Any advise appreciated.
Rob Vermeer
Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
>A forum member at http://www.GitaneUSA.com recently posted this rare find: A
museum in France has Hinault's first Gitane Time Trial bike, which was
developed by Renault/Gitane. It is, I believe, the first example of a
time-trial specific bicycle (not just parts), and lends some credibility
to the claim that Gitane "invented" the TT bike. Anyhow, that is the
theory. Check out the picture of the bike (scroll down a bit...and I am
sure there are some other interesting things for all of you on that
> http://www.museedusport.jeunesse-sports.gouv.fr/
> Then, check out the video. After the introduction, there is video of
the bike being examined by a bunch of folk (including Guimard) and some
cool shots of Hinault racing.
> http://fr.video.yahoo.com/
> I look forward to your replies...specially those regarding my
"boasts" about Gitane!
> Stephan Andranian
> Costa Mesa, CA
> http://www.GitaneUSA.com
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