At 06:43 PM 27/10/2007 +0000, Doug Smith wrote:
>The springs do tend to get weak and the two parts of the pump also get
>out of line thus the two faults when pushed together can cause it to be
>jammed.I am uncertain whether the spring can be released from inside
>the handle but equally I would'nt attempt to try this method. I can only
>suggest turning the pump in an upright position and soak this section in
>lubricating oil and leave to soak for period of time .
That would be my first attempt. However, if you can grab the spring with a pair of needlenose pliers, try twisting it to see if it will "unscrew". Turning it one way will expand it and try to screw it in farther, but the other way ought to get it out. Once you've cleaned it up (WD-40?) stretch it some before putting it back in. If you can't get it out, you can still stretch it and if it's well lubricated, it should not jam up again.
John Betmanis
Woodstock, Ontario