RE: [CR]Curt Goodrich Touring Bike on E-Bay

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

From: "John Pergolizzi" <>
To: "'Michael Schmidt'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Curt Goodrich Touring Bike on E-Bay
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 07:26:06 -0700
In-Reply-To: <>

Mike, To respond to your concerns on the potential use of THE Goodrich at L'Eroica:

-Goody bar levers, or 'bar-cons", go quite a ways back. Maasland or Schmidt could say as to when Campagnplo first made them. That was somewhere in the early to mid fifties, but I do not keep track of these details. The French were using them before that I think though. So I do not see how that would be a negative in judging the bike. I'm sure that the Italian's intimate knowledge of the American frambuilders production data base would certainly preclude any certainty of inclusion in a "historic stampa"; if that was what one was after. And that's if the Italianos enforced the rule of a pre 1980 manufacture date. I have not ridden a L'Eroica, however, I believe should one so desire, they could not install any bags ( as I am keeping mine), remove the front bag support ( which is attached only by a bolt through the fork crown and be ready to go. Oh yea, the triple could loose her inner ring, then she would be totally a.o.k. No? Certainly her angles reflect the type of bike that was used longer ago, as opposed to that which was commonly available in the late 70's and 1980. She has the appropriate gearing for a set of old legs like mine to get over the hills. That is all I was referring to by saying she was "perfect. And boy do I hate hills! And should I be the one presenting the bike w/ Iro standing their, I'm pretty sure I could make my case in his native tongue and walk on through w/ a stamp, a blessing, a smile, and a "in bocca del lupo" ( the Italian equivalent of "good luck". Goes back to the days of Romulus and Remus).


Johnny John T.Pergolizzi La Jolla, Ca.

Michael Schmidt wrote:


Somewhere in my photo archieves, I think I have a photo of you sitting atop that bike at Cirque 2004.

Anyways, your ebay ad states the bike is perfect for L'eroica. While it is KOF, the bike most likey will not receive an historic "stampa" on the control book because the bike is newer than 1980 and has bar-con shifters. I say "most likely" because on Sunday, if it looked the part, it received a stamp. Irio Tommasini was doing the tech inspection on Saturday and my guess is that he would not have offered to stamp the control book which basically means you do not get the L'eroica gift bag at the end of the ride.

BTW, I rode two editions of L'eroica and I saw very few cyclotouring type bicycles.

Mike Schmidt
Stirling, NJ