I know that the seller hasn't been responsive, but I'd send a final warning explaining that you are going to file a dispute and, if necessary, escalate that to a claim. I think it is a courtesy that can keep the temperature down. You never know why the seller isn't being responsive. Buyers that file against me first and asked questions later get banned.
On 10/29/07, bruce thomson <masi3v4me@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Charles: I have had similar, but less dramatic incidences of the same
> scenario. Basically the best thing to do right away is file a dispute.
> You have only 20 days to do this and the potentially fraudulent sell knows
> this too. No matter if the seller says the package has been shipped or not,
> FILE!! You can later close the dispute with no penalty to you of the
> seller, but if things still don't happen then the dispute can be escalated
> to a claim. Its the CLAIM that will get your funds back. Bruce