On 10/5/07, Jan Heine <heine94@earthlink.net> wrote:
> At 9:58 PM -0600 10/4/07, Mitch Harris wrote:
> >Ok, so the Campagnolo connection is not real based on subsequent posts
> >in this thread. But should the "100%-Spanish-stem-to-stern
> >orientation of Zeus" still be attributed to Franco nationalism? Holy
> >Homage to Catalonia, Batman.
> Even after World War II, Spain was a very, very poor country. Their
> currency was not worth much. That made importing anything very
> expensive. With labor costs being low, it made economic sense to make
> things in-country.
Yes, but I'm curious about Zeus corporate culture, and if their motivation for making the bike could have been influenced by Franco nationalism (instead of or as well as, the more straightforward economic motivation you suggest). Would be interesting to know.
--Mitch Harris
Little Rock Canyon, UT