I haven't followed this thread to closely , however I find it rather intere sting to read that few posts wining about missing the good old days when de als could be found. With a little passion, will and foresight there is alwa ys deals to be found. With in the past couple months Ive seen 2 Kelloggs se ll for well under what I would have expected. One of them is e-bay item # 3 20156949208 track frame in a desirable size brazed by Tom Kellogg for under $600 as well a goldish Kellogg I don't recall the exact price however I re member it went for well under what I expected. I have a Kellogg track bike so I found these 2 auctions of interest, Ive considered selling mine howeve r after seeing what the market will pay, I decided to keep it, It's beeing painted by Carlos "Sir Maloror" in San Diego. honestly I find it rather a musing that a mid range Peugeot went for a comparable price of a Byliss fra me as well for a fraction of the price a savvy e-bayer could have picked up a couple Collin Laings. a couple Kelloggs, and I'm sure numerous others. M aybe its just me but I find the small builders much more interesting then t he mass produced Peugeots and Colnangos. and if you are realy looking for a deal find a small frame builder "KOF", follow your gut feeling and give th em your support, I currently own 2 bikes by Jonny cycles and am awaiting a Sir Maloror, something for my great grand kids to sell on e-bay when I'm lo ng gone, However if you really want to leave something for your off-spring to make money on buy an alluminum Trek for $500 leave it in the box in the basement, keep the Box wrapped in plastic wrap, by all means don't open th e box, and get a brochure,(Its Free) and they will have enough for a new ho use
Cheers to all Trevor Segraves, Lake Forest California US A Earth bla bla bla -
Moody fr
iends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play Sims S
tories at Yahoo! Games.