Re: [CR]Masi fetishism

(Example: Framebuilders:Mario Confente)

From: <"">
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:27:03 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]Masi fetishism


You hit the nail on the head! That's it precisely, really!

Count me in on the inflatable Masis, for sure. No telling what they'll b e worth in the future. No one rides the real Masis anyway, so no one wil l ever notice the difference. You are SO brilliant, my man.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA I want to be the Foreman and Head Painter at the new inflatable Masi fac tory in France.

-- nick Bordo wrote:

Well, it seem's there is yet another of those Masi Fergusson framestets on sale at ebay, this one a Mexico or something, I confess to little int erest in the things. It's small at 52 square, so who knows where it will go.

Anyway, that's not my point, I've been following this Masi fetichism t hing for some time on CR and I find it quite bizarre, especially as it s ems to be mainly centered around California. As a businessman of some ex perience, I guess there is a mountain to be made out of inflatable rubbe r Masis, so I was wondering if any other CR members have any thoughts on this. I mean, the things never get ridden seriously or anything, so why not inflatables ? (When I mention fetichism, don't get me wrong, I'm no t talking paraphilia or anything).

Anyway, as a student of human nature, I shall now proceed to purchase a cheap Masi somewhere, and see what reactions I get from CR when I ebay it in bits over a six month period, because that is par for the course from my research. Then I sell the frameset.

Is this what bike collecting is about ?


Nick "M" Bordo, Landes, 40 France

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