IN RESPONSE TO THIS PREVIOUS POST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And, if anyone remembers my CR list question from a little while ago, I have removed the seat post from that old Tommasini. It took a 3' monkey wrench and two people.
Andy Bohlmann Colorad o Springs, CO USA" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ The problem, as I see it , is simply maintenance. When you do an o verhaul, or send it in to have it overhauled, the seatpost is routinely ove rlooked. Virtually ever other component on the bike is removed, cleaned, ch ecked for wear, and either replaced or lubed and put back on the bike. The seatpost escapes this procedure many times as it is not subject to wear, an d therefore can go years with out ATTENTION !
A removal technique I pa rticipated in was to put the inverted post very firmly in a vise, stand on the table and pull up on the frame, while two others twisted the frame back and forth. TA DAH ! On a more serious case I attached two hacksaw bl ades together, side by side at the far end, with a short screw and nut. The other end was a hacksaw handle. Patience. Two opposing cuts released the reluctant recluse.
And while I am here, DERAILLEURS. I was thinking that many of us go for a ride, come back and hang up or put up our bikes a nd leave the derailleurs in whatever gear they happen to be in when we stop . I wonder how many bikes are left hanging in the garage or in the back of the pack, that may not get ridden for along time / years and are stuck in l ow gear with the derailleur springs fully stretched. Not obsessing, just an observation / heads up.
ride strong, live long, and go for a swin o nce in awhile SO ! houston, tx
Moody frie
nds. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play Sims Sto
ries at Yahoo! Games.