Thanks to everyone who has responded so far to this mystery bike. I finally have photos up on my friends flickr page, the links is
Again, this is a bike my friend bought from a former amateur racer who rode in century races. He said that it was a red Eddy Merckx which he had stripped of its decals and repainted by Tom Kellog. The braze-ons which you see he said were also done by Kellog. The paint looks pretty thick to be a Tom Kellog job, but who knows. It just dawned on me that I didnt take any photos of the entire bike, but only of the details that I thought would be most telling. The serial # on the drive side of the bottom bracket reads c15427, however on the non drive side is the #4. Also another strange thing about this bike is the size 26.0 campagnolo seatpost. Again any information would be great. Thanks, Isaac Philadelphia PA
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