Any opinions on how much it would have gone for with all NR and near perfect original paint? ... $1,000? 1,200? an hours' federal budget for the war in Iraq?
Garth Libre in Miami Fl USA
First, if you're going to refer to Ebay bargains to make some sort of point, it would be useful if you provided a link or an item number. Without seeing the Ofmega (not Omega) equipped repaint, I will say that there's a huge difference between a repainted bike with parts that aren't sought after, and an original bike with the parts people want on that bike. To most collectors, this $700 or so went to a restored frame and parts that wouldn't sell, even on Ebay.
As far as your totally-inappropriate-to-the-list comment goes, it is a reminder to me how many people have very little appreciation for large numbers. If we assume added spending at $50B per year, that about $1,600 PER SECOND. There are 3,600 of those in a hour. But, what would be the significance of this point to the list?
Tom Dalton Bethlehem PA USA
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