Re: [CR] Regarding Colnago Carving styles

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 20:44:17 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR] Regarding Colnago Carving styles

Hey Brad, nice post. According to your list, are my parts the ones from Rig #1? Thanks...

Ciao, Mark Agree Southfield MI ~ ~ ~

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 13:02:20 -0700 (PDT) From: brad stockwell <> To: Subject: [CR] Ray's '72 Colnago, Pantographata time line?

Regarding Colnago Carving styles:
>From my Ebay observations it appears that the first carving rig on Colnagos is the combo of the "Merckx-style" drilled big ring with a fluted seatpost and a "Merckx-style" slotted stem.

The second rig is the "Merckx-style" ring with the panto seatpost and panto stem (like Ray's).

Then the third rig is the "pantographata" group with panto post,stem,ring,and brake levers that are outlined with a fine row of holes around the edge, and have the club above 3 diamonds on the front.

I also have a pair of similar brake levers, perhaps a bit later, that are the same except they have the club-inside-a-"C" instead of a club.

All these rigs appear on post-'playing-card' bikes that have the club+holes or club/no holes crown, and with clubs in all 3 lugs, which suggests that the metamorphosis from rig 1 to rig3 ocurred entirely during the '72 '73 period -- I suppose at the rate at which premium-price bicycle products are dispensed, they must have all been on offer more-or-less simultaneously.

On a side note, it just recently got through my thick sloping forehead that "Super Pantographata" probably just referred to a model "Super" with pantographed components, rather than a bike with stupendous pantographing -- although, hey, they both work.

Brad Stockwell Palo Alto

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