My experience says once a year is enough, and then only if it looks like it needs it. For me, only on the top of the saddle too.
--Mitch Harris Little Rock Canyon, Utah
On Nov 25, 2007 7:55 AM, John Thompson <> wrote:
> Kenneth Freeman wrote:
> > I don't use Brooks or Ideale any more since they don't fit my undersides,
> > but I have had several. I've only used Proofide, up to a few coatings on
> > top per month, and not seen any inordinate stretching. I liked a Brooks Pro
> > for quite a while. I understand that Proofide is gentle enough for many
> > applications, and I have not known it to aid in softening. My feeling has
> > always been that if the saddle will not break in to my shape, or if I can't
> > acclimate to it, I won't be able to use it.
> >
> > Many supposedly "broken-in" leather saddles have butt-bone depressions
> > flanking a ridge, and I find this shape to be impossible. I don't see how
> > any leather treatments that do not involve clever leather surgery can remedy
> > this situation, at least for me. Result is, I'm not comfortable on any
> > on-topic saddles.
> I suspect that "a few coatings per month on top" is far too much
> Proofhide, and may well have contributed to the ridge you complain of. I
> have a 25 year old Brooks Pro I ride regularly and it has no such ridge,
> but I only use Proofhide on it about once a year.
> --
> John Thompson (
> Appleton WI USA