I was reading the article on Franco Bitossi in the October 2007 Procycling
magazine and was wondering about his bike. I had Cinelliesque graphics but
there were no clear shots of the bike. I suspect it is a Taurus because h
is shorts legs had TAU in one photo and RUS in another. You can see the bo
ttom of the lettering on the downtube in one shot and it looks like the bot
tom of the letters in TAURUS. Who made TAURUS and why have we never seen o
ne in the US? Brian Blum in Berkeley
> Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 11:17:41 -0700> From: jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net> Subj
ect: Re: [CR]ebay outing: masi prestige> To: chasds@mindspring.com; classi
crendezvous@bikelist.org> > What team would that be? I didn't think Masi e
ver sponsored a major team, and often even painted the frames as another br
and.> > Regards,> > Jerry Moos> > Charles Andrews <chasds@mindspr
ing.com> wrote:> very cool masi Prestige with lots of chrome..ove the chr
omed bb shell! > and that team color. Very cool..> > http://ebay.com/<blah>
/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270182757909&ssPageN> ame=ADME:B:SS:US:112
3> > I sure wish it was my size...that kinda bling, I could go for..> > Cha
rles "love shiny objects" Andrews> Los Angeles> > --- StripMime Report -- p
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