Yes, this Masi Prestige:
Is the same one I bought from Wayne. I should not speak for him...but I have a feeling he sold it to me for the same reason I sold it on: I just could not stand to ride it. Not because it wasn't a VERY nice is! I rode it a mile or two just to make sure everything was working right before I sold it. And it was a very fine ride. Fast and agile. A true thoroughbred in every way. Masi's answer to the Colnago Super, and a damned good answer.
But. And, it's a big "but" for me. Every mile I rode it decreased its value and desireability. That bike was plausibly NOS. Wayne found some beautiful parts for it, and the frame itself was well-nigh perfect cosmetically. I knew that every turn of the crank on the road made it worth less. Not a lot less. But enough.
Some would call me nuts to feel that way. But that's me. I have other bikes to ride that are well-used, and I feel perfectly fine riding them. I actually rather enjoy owning a couple of NOS bikes that never get ridden. Makes them seem special to me. But I want only two or three of this sort of thing. The Masi was a little small for me, too, and, so, I sold it on to another collector who didn't ride it either.
Maybe one of you should buy it and take the burden off by riding the snot out of it..<g>
Charles Andrews
Los Angeles