If you plan to sell it it would probably be wise not to build it up. Old NOS bikes generally fetch a considerable premium unbuilt. Plus it's a lot easier to ship that way.
Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA USA
On Dec 17, 2007 8:19 PM, Scott Loveless <sdloveless@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, folks. A Raleigh Rapide followed me home tonight. The bike
> itself is nothing special. Made in Taiwan - probably early 80s
> following the Huffy buy out. But this one has a bit of a history that
> I thought some of you might enjoy.
> It was purchased locally (Camp Hill, PA) and delivered to the original
> owner still in the box. It was then stored at his place of business,
> stashed away in the warehouse waiting to be assembled. 20-something
> years later, still in the box, it was donated to a local bicycle
> charity. Tonight it was entrusted to me. Not sure what I'm going to
> do with it just yet. I'll probably build it up and either try to sell
> it, passing the funds along to the charity, or maybe I'll keep it and
> make the donation myself. Decisions, decisions.......
> Anyway, here are some photos. Quick and dirty, nothing artistic.
> http://picasaweb.google.com/
> I'd be interested in your thoughts. Thanks a bunch!
> --
> Scott Loveless
> New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
> http://www.twosixteen.com/