While re-packing my aforementioned '72 High flange Campy track hubs this af ternoon, I came across a discrepancy which had me scratching my head: The rear hub was missing a lock nut, the one which tightens onto the hub co ne. (It was the "CAM 72" stamp on the one lock nut which helped me date th e hub.) On the front, I used a 13mm cone wrench on the cone and a 16mm on the lock nut. For the rear, a 14mm for the cone and an 18mm for the lock nut. I posted a "WTB" thread a few days ago while in search of a pair of dust co vers and a single lock nut for the rear. A fellow CR Listmember here in Brooklyn was kind enough to give me some spa res to help get me rolling. (Thanks again!) He had in his "spare hub parts bin" a locknut stamped "CAMP 77", which fit the threads on the rear track axle but used a 17mm wrench, rather than the 18mm found on the opposite side. So what have I got here? Did the locknut sizes for track axles change at s ome point? Or is this a front lock nut for a later generation road/track h ub? While I know it isn't "correct", any harm in completing the build with this mix-match set up? It seems to "get the job done"...and that's the number one goal.
Matthew Bowne
Brooklyn, New York
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