In a message dated 12/30/07 1:53:13 PM, writes:
Matthew Bowne asked about the above topic and Andrei (don't forget to
correctly sign off Andrei...Dale is probably watching...) answered in part concerning
> << doesn't list the record du monde rim specifically, but the other
> super
> champion tubulars (medaille d'or, competition, arc-en-ciel) seem to be
> around 616mm erd....>
My SC Arc en Ciels; Medaille d'Ors and Record du Mondes all measure 615.....
Sheldon had several different spoke length data bases last year.......
I also just weighed my SC Competition <Performance> as did Wayne - mine are 36o and came in at 310 grams - I did not remove the wrapper, so that probably cost a gram or two??
Chuck Brooks Malta, NY
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