I'll be there too but, of course, I am a framebuilder/painter so that should come as no surprise. I'm giving the paint seminar Friday at noon. I'm positive all CR members will rearrange their schedules to be in attendance - even pushing and shoving to get the best center front seats with video cameras or tape recorders. The essence of what I'm going to talk about is the characteristics of various types of paint and colors to get the best effect. For example someone might like a Ferrari red and it is possible to put this on as a polyurethane enamel or as part of a base coat clear coat system or with a red candy over the red base and it all looks similar but definitely not the same. I'll bring painted tubes to illustrate. I'll cover a bit about decals, applying multiple colors, painting masks, etc. There are lots of people getting into framebuilding. The age of most of the students in my framebuilding classes is less than the number of years I have been building. It is much more popular now than it was 10 years ago. This talk will be aimed at how they can get the most out of their painting choices and not about how to accurately restore a classic frame (sorry).
I gave the painting talk as well at the first NAHBS in Houston. Jerry Moos felt duty bound to attend. I thought a lot of fellow frame painters would be in attendance so I explained about spray gun orifice sizes, reducer amounts, sealers and on and on. Mostly I saw glazed over eyes in the audience. It turned out that the group was largely just biking enthusiasts (except for Brian B.) and what I said could have been reduced to "painting a frame is really a lot of work". It was all just a long illustration of that single point. Most were surprised, however, at all the steps involved.
Looking forward to seeing you even if it isn't Friday at noon. I don't have a booth but I'm painting frames (even as I'm writing) for David Bohm and Johnny Cycles. They are bringing some neat stuff. I also think Don Walker is having a picture opportunity sometime for the charity frame 9 builders are putting together (I'm painting it). I've seen pictures of Sachs and Baylis's lugs, they're cool.
Doug Fattic
Niles, Michigan USA