Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" - Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950 (Art Link)

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

From: "Tim Chauran" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" - Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950 (Art Link)
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 02:26:23 +0000

I used to get kind of response - in multiples -- every time I listed anythi ng, not just bike stuff, on Craig's Lisa L.A. SO bad, in fact, that I never list anythign for sale there any more. Hope this helps.

Tim Chauran, Long Beach, CA

> From:> Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 50, Issue 19> To:> Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 17:25:15 -0800> > Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to>> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the W orld Wide Web, visit> zvous> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to> classi> > You can reach the person managing the l ist at>> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of Classicrend ezvous digest..."> > > CR> > Today's Topics:> > 1. Fwd: Re: [CR]Possible Sc am on my Craig list "For Sale" - Vintage> Italian Racing Bicycle - $950 (Ar t Link)> 2. RE: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" -> Vintag eItalian Racing Bicycle - $950 (Mazzeo, Daniel)> 3. Pic of the Day - Spot T he Future Champion (Aldo Ross)> 4. WTB/WTT Swiss Threaded BB cups for Motob ecane GJ (bruce thomson)> 5. Fs: French Stems and Various Parts (Sadiq Gill )> 6. Markings on Binda toe straps: Question (Norm and Val Lafleur)> 7. RE: Markings on Binda toe straps: Question (Mazzeo, Daniel)> 8. Re: Markings o n Binda toe straps: Question (Chuck Schmidt)> 9. Re: Markings on Binda toe straps: Question (Chuck Schmidt)> 10. WTB Metal End Nut Drop Out Adjuster & Yellow Bar Plugs> (James Doolittle)> 11. RE: WTB Metal End Nut Drop Out Ad juster & Yellow Bar Plugs> (anthony)> 12. M.A.F.A.C. Levers (Richard Robins on)> 13. Re: M.A.F.A.C. Levers (Chuck Schmidt)> 14. Re: musty old bike mags and brochures (bruce thomson)> > > --------------------------------------- -------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 13:06:17 -0800 (PS T)> From: Art Link <>> To: classic rendezvous <>> Subject: Fwd: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" - Vintage> Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> Message-ID : <>> Content-Type: text/plain; c harset=iso-8859-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit> Pr ecedence: list> Reply-To:> Message: 1> > This is a classic variant on the Nigerian 419 scam. The way they make money is to pay with bank draft(phony) stolen credit card or phony certified check,u sually in an amount greater than the cost of the item.They then want a cash refund for the difference when they pick up the item. In addition,as they deal with you,they are picking up information such as your name,corporate n ame and address etc, to launch a raid on your bank account using identity t heft and PO Drop Boxes. Mrs Tabitha Jones 702 is one who tried to use the m ultiple room extended stay booking ruse at our B&B in the last several week s. We get one or two a week of that variant.Google"Nigerian Scams"" or "e-m ail fraud" and you will be amazed. Art Link,vigilant in San Antonio,TX,USA> > galen pewtherer <> wrote: Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 11:56:0 9 -0800> From: "galen pewtherer" <>> To: "Mazzeo, Daniel" <>> Subject: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list " For Sale" - Vintage Italian> Racing Bicycle - $950> CC: classicrendezvous@b> > i will be astonished if that is NOT a scam, it has all the h allmarks of one.> > galen pewtherer> san francsico, ca usa> > On 2/5/07, Ma zzeo, Daniel wrote:> > Group - this response smells fishy to me. Does anyon e recognize the> > name "Tabitha Jones"???> >> > Thanks> > Dan Mazzeo> > Ra ytheon Polar Services Company> > Facilities Engineering Manager> > 7400 So. Tucson Way> > Centennial, CO 80112> > 720 568-2063o> > 303 249-6425c> > da> >> >> > -----Original Message-----> > From: Mazzeo, D aniel> > Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 12:49 PM> > To: 'tabitha jones'> > Subject: RE: [SPAM-sls] Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> >> > Tabith a,> > I am a CR (classic rendezvous) list member and I have this bike> > fo r sale in the Denver, Colorado area. There is only one unit. What> > questi ons may I answer for you to produce a sale?> > Thank you> > Dan> >> > ----- Original Message-----> > From: tabitha jones [ m]> > Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 9:11 AM> > To: sale-270257536@craig> > Subject: [SPAM-sls] Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> >>
> ** CRAIGSLIST ADVISORY --- AVOID SCAMS BY DEALING LOCALLY> > ** Avoid: wi ring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home> > ** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping> > ** More Info: bout/scams.html> >> >> > ATTN,> > IT'S MY PLEASURE TO WRITE YOU ABOUT YOUR ITEM BEEN POSTED IN THE> > ADS. SO COULD YOU RESPOND WITH THE AVAILABILITY OF THE ITEM AND LET ME> > KNOW HOW MANY UNIT OF IT YOU HAVE GOT TO SELL.> > I AWAIT YOUR QUICK RESPONSE.> > THANK'S> >> > ____________________________ ____> >> > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.> > > h> >>> >> > ________________________________> >> > this messag e was remailed to you via:> > _______________ _________________> >> > _______________________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> >> > http://> >> > > -- > -galen> __ _____________________________________________> Classicrendezvous mailing li st>> o/classicrendezvous> > > > > The Columns on Alamo> Welcome to our bed and b reakfast in San Antonio, Texas. Come fiesta with us!> We offer off-street p arking, and the downtown trolley stops just a 1/2 block away!> All rooms ha ve a private bath, TV and telephone.> Wireless Internet Access available in all rooms (EXCEPT the Rockhouse Cottage)> Please contact us if you have an y questions, thanks! > (210)271-3245 · (800)233-3364 · ArtLink@ColumnsS> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipar t/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ------------ ------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 14:16:39 -0700> From: "Mazzeo, Daniel" <>> To: <>,> "cl assic rendezvous" <>> Subject: RE: Re: [CR]Po ssible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" -> VintageItalian Racing Bicycle - $950> Message-ID: <
>> In-Reply-To: <>> References: <>> Content-Type: text/plain;chars et="us-ascii"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 2> > Thanks, how do you say "seller" in Latin to rephrase caveat emptor? > Dan Mazzeo> Morrison, CO> > -----Original Message-----> From: classicrendezvous-bounces> [] On Behalf Of Art Link> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:06 PM> To: classic rendezvous> Subject: Fwd: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" -> Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> > This is a classic variant on the Nigerian 419 scam. The way they make> money is to pay with bank draft(phony) stolen credit card or phony> certified check,usually in an amount greater than the cost of the> item.They then want a cash refund for the difference when the y pick up> the item. In addition,as they deal with you,they are picking up> information such as your name,corporate name and address etc, to launch> a raid on your bank account using identity theft and PO Drop Boxes. Mrs> Tab itha Jones 702 is one who tried to use the multiple room extended> stay boo king ruse at our B&B in the last several weeks. We get one or> two a week o f that variant.Google"Nigerian Scams"" or "e-mail fraud" and> you will be a mazed. Art Link,vigilant in San Antonio,TX,USA> > galen pewtherer <dolface@> wrote: Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007> 11:56:09 -0800> From: "galen pewth erer" <>> To: "Mazzeo, Daniel" <>> S ubject: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" - Vintage> Italia n Racing Bicycle - $950> CC:> > i will be as tonished if that is NOT a scam, it has all the hallmarks of> one.> > galen pewtherer> san francsico, ca usa> > On 2/5/07, Mazzeo, Daniel wrote:> > Gro up - this response smells fishy to me. Does anyone recognize the > > name " Tabitha Jones"???> >> > Thanks> > Dan Mazzeo> > Raytheon Polar Services Com pany> > Facilities Engineering Manager> > 7400 So. Tucson Way> > Centennial , CO 80112> > 720 568-2063o> > 303 249-6425c> >> >>
>> > -----Original Message-----> > From: Mazzeo, Daniel> > Sent: Monday, Fe bruary 05, 2007 12:49 PM> > To: 'tabitha jones'> > Subject: RE: [SPAM-sls] Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> >> > Tabitha,> > I am a CR (classic rendezvous) list member and I have this > > bike for sale in the Denver, Co lorado area. There is only one unit. > > What questions may I answer for yo u to produce a sale?> > Thank you> > Dan> >> > -----Original Message----->
> From: tabitha jones []> > Sent: Saturday, F ebruary 03, 2007 9:11 AM> > To:> > Subject: [ SPAM-sls] Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> >> > ** CRAIGSLIST ADVISOR Y --- AVOID SCAMS BY DEALING LOCALLY> > ** Avoid: wiring money, cross-borde r deals, work-at-home> > ** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, s hipping> > ** More Info:> >> >>
> > > ADS. SO COULD YOU RESPOND WITH THE AVAILABILITY OF THE ITEM AND LET M E> > > KNOW HOW MANY UNIT OF IT YOU HAVE GOT TO SELL.> > I AWAIT YOUR QUICK RESPONSE.> > THANK'S> >> > ________________________________> >> > Access o ver 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.> > > h> >>> >> > ________________________________> >> > this message was remailed to y ou via: > > ________________________________> >> > _______________________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> >> > ailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> >> > > --> -galen> _____________________ __________________________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvo>
> > > > > The Columns on Alamo> Welcome to our bed and breakfast in San Ant onio, Texas. Come fiesta with> us!> We offer off-street parking, and the do wntown trolley stops just a 1/2> block away!> All rooms have a private bath , TV and telephone.> Wireless Internet Access available in all rooms (EXCEP T the Rockhouse> Cottage)> Please contact us if you have any questions, tha nks! > (210)271-3245 * (800)233-3364 *> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/ plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ________________________________ _______________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous@bikelist .org>> --------- ---------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 16:26:30 -0500> From: "Aldo Ross" <>> To: <>> Subject : [CR]Pic of the Day - Spot The Future Champion> Message-ID: <007501c7496c$ 4e30b8e0$e315fbd1@Newhouse>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1 "> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 3> > Pic of the Day> 6th F ebruary 2007> > Spot the Future Champion> > Sometimes you can tell, just by looking, which rider is going to win a > race. Occasionally you can even t ell when a rider is destined for > greater things.> > http://www.wooljersey .com/gallery/v/aldoross/CritAm.JPG.html> > I love this pic, taken at the Fr ench "Critérium Amateurs" in 1921. As > the race passes in front of the c hâteau de Montebello, in Mériel, a > rider in light jersey and cap take s his turn at the front. Note how he > seems to stand-out from the others - looking into the camera with an > expression of calm confidence, shoulders squared, hands on the tops, > position relaxed. He looks at ease, but powe rful. All around him > there's tension in the expressions and postures of t he other riders, but > he is an island of tranquility. Still an amateur, un attached to any > team, but he just - I don't know... he just looks like a different class > of rider. His name is André Leducq, 1924 World Amateur Champion, > winner of the 1928 Paris-Roubaix, and Tour de France winner in 1930 and > 1932.> > Note the dirt road, beautifully plumb tires, mixture of > single-front-brake (are these fixed gears?) and front-and-rear-brakes. > Note also that some, but not all, have a tire slung over their > shoulders ... I hope they've got some spares strapped beneath their > saddles.> > Pal mares for André Leducq:> 3 stage wins 1927 TdF> winner 1928 Paris-Roubaix
> 4 stage wins 1928 TdF> 5 stage wins 1929 TdF> 2 stage wins and overall wi nner 1930 TdF> winner 1931 Paris-Tours> 1 stage win 1931 TdF> 6 stage wins and overall winner 1932 TdF> winner 1933 Critérium National> 2 stage wins 1933 TdF> winner 1934 Critérium des As> 1 stage win 1935 TdF> 1 stage wi n 1938 TdF> > >From "Le Miroir des Sports" No.1044, 3 January 1939.> > Aldo Ross> Middletown, OH> USA> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 13:42:18 -0800 (PS T)> From: bruce thomson <>> To: Classicrendezvous@bikeli> Subject: [CR]WTB/WTT Swiss Threaded BB cups for Motobecane GJ > Mes sage-ID: <>> Content-Type : text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Enc oding: 8bit> Precedence: list> Message: 4> > CR Gurus, I want to find a Fre nch manufactured fixed cup or two for the (obviously) non drive side of the Motobecane BB. I would like to have TA or Stronglight. The one that it cam e with is a Sake and it is pitted. Thank you in advance for your reply. BT> > > Bruce Thomson Spokane WA 99204 > (509) 747 4314 >> > > > ---------------------------------> Everyone is raving about the all- new Yahoo! Mail beta.> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ---- --------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 16:49:17 -0500> From: " Sadiq Gill" <>> To: "classic rendezvous" <Classicrendezv>> Subject: [CR]Fs: French Stems and Various Parts> Message -ID: <>> Content- Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 5> > Greetings ....the herd of parts gets less franco........> > 1) Cinelli 22.0 french st em 75mm extension 26.4 bar vgc---$50 obo conus> > 2) Cinelli 22.0 french st em 120mm extension 26.4 bar clamp ex> condition---$55 obo> > 3) Campagnolo Super Record Chain rings vgc 42-53---$65 for the set obo> shipped conus> > 4) American Classic Ti 27.2 post MTB length good shape all hardware present
> $50 obo shipped conus> > 5) 2 lesser french PIVO with 100mm extension the other SR> Motobecane badges and 85mm extension both 22.0 $15 each or $25 for both> shipped conus> > contact me OL if interested......... ....> > > > -- > Sadiq Gill> Richmond, VA> > > -- > Sadiq Gill> Richmond, V A> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternat ive> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ---------------------- --------> > Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 17:16:14 -0500> From: "Norm and Val Lafl eur" <>> To: "classicrendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bi>> Subject: [CR]Markings on Binda toe straps: Question> Message-I D: <00b701c74973$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> Content-Type: text/plain;chars et="iso-8859-1"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 6> > In lo oking for toe straps on Ebay I noticed that the Binda straps being > offere d were marked "Bianchi Dino" in addition to the usual " Binda". > What is t he significance of this? Most Bianchi straps that I have seen > were black or celeste. The Ebay straps were available in other colors > such as yellow and red.> > Norm Lafleur> Ashfield, Ma.> > --- StripMime Report -- process ed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> t ext/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 15:2 0:35 -0700> From: "Mazzeo, Daniel" <>> To: "Norm and Val Lafleur" <>,> "classicrendezvous" <classicrendezvo>> Subject: RE: [CR]Markings on Binda toe straps: Question> Message-ID: <>> In- Reply-To: <00b701c74973$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> References: <00b701c749 73$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii "> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 7> > Norm,> Weren't these the top of the line Binda straps. I seen to> remember them being of a highe r order than the normal ones. Maybe they> had the nylon insert sandwiched b etween the leather layers. No doubt> other members have more recent experie nce or a better memory than I!> > Dan Mazzeo> Morrison, CO > > -----Origina l Message-----> From:> [mailto:class] On Behalf Of Norm and> Val Lafleur> Sent : Monday, February 05, 2007 3:16 PM> To: classicrendezvous> Subject: [CR]Ma rkings on Binda toe straps: Question> > In looking for toe straps on Ebay I noticed that the Binda straps being> offered were marked "Bianchi Dino" in addition to the usual " Binda". > What is the significance of this? Most B ianchi straps that I have seen> were black or celeste. The Ebay straps were available in other colors> such as yellow and red.> > Norm Lafleur> Ashfie ld, Ma.> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alter native> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ___________________ ____________________________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendez> us> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 14:28:49 -0800> From: Chuck Schmidt <>> To: CR RENDEZVOUS <class>> Subject: Re: [CR]Markings on Binda toe straps: Question> Message-ID: <>> In-Reply-To: <00b701c74973$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> References: <00b701 c74973$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-A SCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framew ork v752.2)> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 8> > Norm Lafleur wrote:> > > In looking for toe straps on Ebay I noticed tha t the Binda straps > > being> > offered were marked "Bianchi Dino" in addit ion to the usual " Binda".> > What is the significance of this? Most Bianch i straps that I have > > seen> > were black or celeste. The Ebay straps wer e available in other colors> > such as yellow and red.> > > "Bianchi Dino" isn't BIANCHI the bike company, but Dino Bianchi (they > like to put last n ame first, first name last in Europe), the company > that actually makes th e Alfredo Binda toe straps for Cinelli. All > the Alfredo Binda toe straps are embossed with "BIANCHI DINO" and > under that "MADE IN ITALY" (just emb ossed not printed with ink in > other words)... most people just don't noti ce.> > Chuck Schmidt> South Pasadena, CA USA> (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)> > > > > ------------------------------> > Date: Mon , 5 Feb 2007 14:30:56 -0800> From: Chuck Schmidt < t>> To: CR RENDEZVOUS <>> Subject: Re: [CR]Ma rkings on Binda toe straps: Question> Message-ID: <1F614F24-F284-4BF4-BE35->> In-Reply-To: <7119BB016BDF6445B20A4B9F14F50B2D>> References: <00b701c74973$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFL EUR>> <>> Content-T ype: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed> MIME-Ver sion: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v752.2)> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list> Message: 9> > Top of the line would be the Binda "Extra "... those are the laminated > ones.> > Chuck Schmidt> South Pasadena, CA>
> > On Feb 5, 2007, at 2:20 PM, Mazzeo, Daniel wrote:> > > Norm,> > Weren't these the top of the line Binda straps. I seen to> > remember them being o f a higher order than the normal ones. Maybe > > they> > had the nylon inse rt sandwiched between the leather layers. No doubt> > other members have mo re recent experience or a better memory than I!> >> > Dan Mazzeo> > Morriso n, CO> >> > -----Original Message-----> > From: classicrendezvous-bounces@b> > [] On Behalf Of Norm and> > Val Lafleur> > Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:16 PM> > To: classicrendezvous> > Subject: [CR]Markings on Binda toe straps: Question> >
> > In looking for toe straps on Ebay I noticed that the Binda straps > > b eing> > offered were marked "Bianchi Dino" in addition to the usual " Binda ".> > What is the significance of this? Most Bianchi straps that I have > > seen> > were black or celeste. The Ebay straps were available in other col ors> > such as yellow and red.> >> > Norm Lafleur> > Ashfield, Ma.> >> > -- - StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative> > tex t/plain (text body -- kept)> > text/html> > ---> > ________________________ _______________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> > Classicrendezv> > ous> > _______________________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> >> > mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> > ------------------------------> > Dat e: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 17:05:56 -0600> From: "James Doolittle" <JDoolittle@bent>> To: <>> Subject: [CR]WTB Meta l End Nut Drop Out Adjuster & Yellow Bar Plugs> Message-ID: <EF195ACEA9C304>> Content-Type: text/p lain;charset="us-ascii"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 10
> > CR, > > > > I need your help. I lost one nut on an old style campy drop out> adjuster. I carry my bike in the back of my Honda (60mpg) Insight.> P lease let me know if you have one floating around in your spare parts!> > > > Also, I'm in need of yellow bar plugs. We've been having glorious> ridin g weather the last three days!> > > > James "on my ride yesterday I saw a b ull with cujones the size of my> heaed" Doolittle > > Spring, Texas> > > >

uck Schmidt <>> To: CR RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezv>> Subject: Re: [CR]M.A.F.A.C. Levers> Message-ID: <21C354F>> In-Reply-To: <27645664.117072>> References: <276>> Cont ent-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed> MIM E-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v752.2)> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 13> > Richard Robinson wrote:> > > Hello,
> >> > Does anyone have a photo or location on the net where I can > > find a photo of a first gen M.A.F.A.C. lever. I understand they > > had periods between each letter in the logo and they had open > > backs. I have a set the has the periods but the backs are half > > closed, and the upper part o f the lever that is closed (metal > > folded over) has a large gap unlike r egular Racer brake levers that > > close all the way. Can anyone help?> > > CLASSIC BICYCLES - Satoru Mas (Campagnolo, Simplex, Huret, Decal > Project , My Bikes) click on > "Parts Brands"> > M.A.F.A.C Professional brake lever (1950's)> < /ClassicBicycles/brands/components/ > Mafac1stProlever.jpg>> <http://homepa > Mafac1stProleverup.jpg>> < > Mafac1stP roleverback.jpg>> < ents/ > MafacProfessionalup.jpg>> < es/brands/components/ > MafacProfessionalup2.jpg>> <http://homepage3.nifty. com/ClassicBicycles/brands/components/ > MafacProfessionalRacer.jpg>> M.A.F .A.C Racer brake lever (1960's):> < es/brands/components/ > MafacRacerM.A.F.A.C.jpg>> <http://homepage3.nifty.c om/ClassicBicycles/brands/components/ > MafacRacerM.A.F.A.Cup.jpg>> > Chuck Schmidt> South Pasadena, CA USA> (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)> > > > > ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 17:25:48 -0800 (PST)> From: bruce thomson <>> To: Eric Elman <>,,> classicrendezvous@bikelist .org> Subject: Re: [CR]musty old bike mags and brochures> Message-ID: <8530>> In-Reply-To: <001601c747f0$534c7030$6 401a8c0@ownerejujeippx>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1> MI ME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit> Precedence: list> Message : 14> > Musty can be rid of by using an ozone air cleaner or purifier. BT>
> Eric Elman <> wrote: Hello Mike,> > Although it may take a while with the quantity of mags you have, whenever I > buy an old mag that is musty I simply put it out in the sun and flip the > pages once in a whil e over the course of a day. Natural sunlight seems to > kill whatever cause s the musty oder (I suspect it is mold that's just not > visible to the nak ed eye).> > Good luck,> > Eric Elman> Somers, CT USA> > > ----- Original Me ssage ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 6:09 PM> Subj ect: [CR]musty old bike mags and brochures> > > > Dear Listees,> >> > Nearl y 10 years ago I squirrelled away 5 or 6 boxes worth of old brochures> > an d bike magazines in my sister's basement crawlspace back in N.J. Last > > t ime> > I visited I noticed that it must have gotten damp at one time down t here > > and> > the stuff smelled kinda "musty". No visible mold or mildew, just an> > unpleasant odor.> >> > Does anyone have any suggestions for rem oving / lessening the stink ?> >> > Are these only fit for the dumpster now ?> >> > I have three milk crates worth of old Miroir du Cyclismes / Cyclin g Weakly > > /> > Velo / and Bike Worlds that I would like to keep around.> >> > Thanks,> > Mike Fabian> > San Francisco, CA USA> >> >> >> > _________ ______________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> >> > /classicrendezvous> > > > > _______________________________________________
> Classicrendezvous mailing list>> http://ww> > > > ------------------ ---------------> Need Mail bonding?> Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great ti ps from Yahoo! Answers users.> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME par ts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> - --> ------------------------------> > _____________________________________ __________> Classicrendezvous mailing list>>> > > End of Cla ssicrendezvous Digest, Vol 50, Issue 19> ********************************** *************** _________________________________________________________________ Live Search: Better results, fast

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