I used to get kind of response - in multiples -- every time I listed anythi ng, not just bike stuff, on Craig's Lisa L.A. SO bad, in fact, that I never list anythign for sale there any more. Hope this helps.
Tim Chauran, Long Beach, CA
> From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org> Subject: Classicrendezvous
Digest, Vol 50, Issue 19> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Date: Mon, 5
Feb 2007 17:25:15 -0800> > Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions
to> classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the W
orld Wide Web, visit> http://www.bikelist.org/
ring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home> > ** Beware: cashier checks,
money orders, escrow, shipping> > ** More Info: http://www.craigslist.org/
>> In-Reply-To: <59057.42731.qm@web34112.mail.mud.yahoo.com>> References: <
59057.42731.qm@web34112.mail.mud.yahoo.com>> Content-Type: text/plain;chars
et="us-ascii"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 2> > Thanks,
how do you say "seller" in Latin to rephrase caveat emptor? > Dan Mazzeo>
Morrison, CO> > -----Original Message-----> From: classicrendezvous-bounces
@bikelist.org> [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org] On Behalf Of
Art Link> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:06 PM> To: classic rendezvous>
Subject: Fwd: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" -> Vintage
Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> > This is a classic variant on the Nigerian
419 scam. The way they make> money is to pay with bank draft(phony) stolen
credit card or phony> certified check,usually in an amount greater than the
cost of the> item.They then want a cash refund for the difference when the
y pick up> the item. In addition,as they deal with you,they are picking up>
information such as your name,corporate name and address etc, to launch> a
raid on your bank account using identity theft and PO Drop Boxes. Mrs> Tab
itha Jones 702 is one who tried to use the multiple room extended> stay boo
king ruse at our B&B in the last several weeks. We get one or> two a week o
f that variant.Google"Nigerian Scams"" or "e-mail fraud" and> you will be a
mazed. Art Link,vigilant in San Antonio,TX,USA> > galen pewtherer <dolface@
gmail.com> wrote: Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007> 11:56:09 -0800> From: "galen pewth
erer" <dolface@gmail.com>> To: "Mazzeo, Daniel" <Daniel.Mazzeo@usap.gov>> S
ubject: Re: [CR]Possible Scam on my Craig list "For Sale" - Vintage> Italia
n Racing Bicycle - $950> CC: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > i will be as
tonished if that is NOT a scam, it has all the hallmarks of> one.> > galen
pewtherer> san francsico, ca usa> > On 2/5/07, Mazzeo, Daniel wrote:> > Gro
up - this response smells fishy to me. Does anyone recognize the > > name "
Tabitha Jones"???> >> > Thanks> > Dan Mazzeo> > Raytheon Polar Services Com
pany> > Facilities Engineering Manager> > 7400 So. Tucson Way> > Centennial
, CO 80112> > 720 568-2063o> > 303 249-6425c> > daniel.mazzeo@usap.gov> >>
>> > -----Original Message-----> > From: Mazzeo, Daniel> > Sent: Monday, Fe
bruary 05, 2007 12:49 PM> > To: 'tabitha jones'> > Subject: RE: [SPAM-sls]
Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> >> > Tabitha,> > I am a CR (classic
rendezvous) list member and I have this > > bike for sale in the Denver, Co
lorado area. There is only one unit. > > What questions may I answer for yo
u to produce a sale?> > Thank you> > Dan> >> > -----Original Message----->
> From: tabitha jones [mailto:mrstabitha702@yahoo.com]> > Sent: Saturday, F
ebruary 03, 2007 9:11 AM> > To: sale-270257536@craigslist.org> > Subject: [
SPAM-sls] Vintage Italian Racing Bicycle - $950> >> > ** CRAIGSLIST ADVISOR
Y --- AVOID SCAMS BY DEALING LOCALLY> > ** Avoid: wiring money, cross-borde
r deals, work-at-home> > ** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, s
hipping> > ** More Info: http://www.craigslist.org/
RESPONSE.> > THANK'S> >> > ________________________________> >> > Access o
ver 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.> > > h> > oo.com/unlimited/>>
>> > ________________________________> >> > this message was remailed to y
ou via: sale-270257536@craigslist.org > > ________________________________>
>> > _______________________________________________> > Classicrendezvous
mailing list> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/
> > > > > The Columns on Alamo> Welcome to our bed and breakfast in San Ant
onio, Texas. Come fiesta with> us!> We offer off-street parking, and the do
wntown trolley stops just a 1/2> block away!> All rooms have a private bath
, TV and telephone.> Wireless Internet Access available in all rooms (EXCEP
T the Rockhouse> Cottage)> Please contact us if you have any questions, tha
nks! > (210)271-3245 * (800)233-3364 * ArtLink@ColumnsSanAntonio.com> > ---
StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/
plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ________________________________
_______________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous@bikelist
.org> http://www.bikelist.org/
> 4 stage wins 1928 TdF> 5 stage wins 1929 TdF> 2 stage wins and overall wi
nner 1930 TdF> winner 1931 Paris-Tours> 1 stage win 1931 TdF> 6 stage wins
and overall winner 1932 TdF> winner 1933 Critérium National> 2 stage wins
1933 TdF> winner 1934 Critérium des As> 1 stage win 1935 TdF> 1 stage wi
n 1938 TdF> > >From "Le Miroir des Sports" No.1044, 3 January 1939.> > Aldo
Ross> Middletown, OH> USA> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts
---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> --->
------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 13:42:18 -0800 (PS
T)> From: bruce thomson <masi3v4me@yahoo.com>> To: Classicrendezvous@bikeli
st.org> Subject: [CR]WTB/WTT Swiss Threaded BB cups for Motobecane GJ > Mes
sage-ID: <20070205214218.65392.qmail@web51605.mail.yahoo.com>> Content-Type
: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Enc
oding: 8bit> Precedence: list> Message: 4> > CR Gurus, I want to find a Fre
nch manufactured fixed cup or two for the (obviously) non drive side of the
Motobecane BB. I would like to have TA or Stronglight. The one that it cam
e with is a Sake and it is pitted. Thank you in advance for your reply. BT>
> > Bruce Thomson Spokane WA 99204 > (509) 747 4314 > Masi3v4me@yahoo.com>
> > > ---------------------------------> Everyone is raving about the all-
new Yahoo! Mail beta.> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --->
multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ----
--------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 16:49:17 -0500> From: "
Sadiq Gill" <sadiqgill@gmail.com>> To: "classic rendezvous" <Classicrendezv
ous@bikelist.org>> Subject: [CR]Fs: French Stems and Various Parts> Message
-ID: <c76dc510702051349r5bcf5032r9a7f98ecbe207c82@mail.gmail.com>> Content-
Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed> MIME-Version: 1.0>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 5> > Greetings
....the herd of parts gets less franco........> > 1) Cinelli 22.0 french st
em 75mm extension 26.4 bar vgc---$50 obo conus> > 2) Cinelli 22.0 french st
em 120mm extension 26.4 bar clamp ex> condition---$55 obo> > 3) Campagnolo
Super Record Chain rings vgc 42-53---$65 for the set obo> shipped conus> >
4) American Classic Ti 27.2 post MTB length good shape all hardware present
> $50 obo shipped conus> > 5) 2 lesser french stems....one PIVO with 100mm
extension the other SR> Motobecane badges and 85mm extension both 22.0 $15
each or $25 for both> shipped conus> > contact me OL if interested.........
....> > > > -- > Sadiq Gill> Richmond, VA> > > -- > Sadiq Gill> Richmond, V
A> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternat
ive> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ----------------------
--------> > Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 17:16:14 -0500> From: "Norm and Val Lafl
eur" <nvlafleur@verizon.net>> To: "classicrendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bi
kelist.org>> Subject: [CR]Markings on Binda toe straps: Question> Message-I
D: <00b701c74973$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> Content-Type: text/plain;chars
et="iso-8859-1"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 6> > In lo
oking for toe straps on Ebay I noticed that the Binda straps being > offere
d were marked "Bianchi Dino" in addition to the usual " Binda". > What is t
he significance of this? Most Bianchi straps that I have seen > were black
or celeste. The Ebay straps were available in other colors > such as yellow
and red.> > Norm Lafleur> Ashfield, Ma.> > --- StripMime Report -- process
ed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> t
ext/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 15:2
0:35 -0700> From: "Mazzeo, Daniel" <Daniel.Mazzeo@usap.gov>> To: "Norm and
Val Lafleur" <nvlafleur@verizon.net>,> "classicrendezvous" <classicrendezvo
us@bikelist.org>> Subject: RE: [CR]Markings on Binda toe straps: Question>
Message-ID: <7119BB016BDF6445B20A4B9F14F50B2D016B4278@WILSON.usap.gov>> In-
Reply-To: <00b701c74973$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> References: <00b701c749
73$4053d110$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii
"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 7> > Norm,> Weren't these
the top of the line Binda straps. I seen to> remember them being of a highe
r order than the normal ones. Maybe they> had the nylon insert sandwiched b
etween the leather layers. No doubt> other members have more recent experie
nce or a better memory than I!> > Dan Mazzeo> Morrison, CO > > -----Origina
l Message-----> From: classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org> [mailto:class
icrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org] On Behalf Of Norm and> Val Lafleur> Sent
: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:16 PM> To: classicrendezvous> Subject: [CR]Ma
rkings on Binda toe straps: Question> > In looking for toe straps on Ebay I
noticed that the Binda straps being> offered were marked "Bianchi Dino" in
addition to the usual " Binda". > What is the significance of this? Most B
ianchi straps that I have seen> were black or celeste. The Ebay straps were
available in other colors> such as yellow and red.> > Norm Lafleur> Ashfie
ld, Ma.> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alter
native> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ___________________
____________________________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendez
vous@bikelist.org> http://www.bikelist.org/
> Precedence: list> Message: 9> > Top of the line would be the Binda "Extra
"... those are the laminated > ones.> > Chuck Schmidt> South Pasadena, CA>
> > On Feb 5, 2007, at 2:20 PM, Mazzeo, Daniel wrote:> > > Norm,> > Weren't
these the top of the line Binda straps. I seen to> > remember them being o
f a higher order than the normal ones. Maybe > > they> > had the nylon inse
rt sandwiched between the leather layers. No doubt> > other members have mo
re recent experience or a better memory than I!> >> > Dan Mazzeo> > Morriso
n, CO> >> > -----Original Message-----> > From: classicrendezvous-bounces@b
ikelist.org> > [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org] On Behalf Of
Norm and> > Val Lafleur> > Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:16 PM> > To:
classicrendezvous> > Subject: [CR]Markings on Binda toe straps: Question> >
> > In looking for toe straps on Ebay I noticed that the Binda straps > > b
eing> > offered were marked "Bianchi Dino" in addition to the usual " Binda
".> > What is the significance of this? Most Bianchi straps that I have > >
seen> > were black or celeste. The Ebay straps were available in other col
ors> > such as yellow and red.> >> > Norm Lafleur> > Ashfield, Ma.> >> > --
- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative> > tex
t/plain (text body -- kept)> > text/html> > ---> > ________________________
_______________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> > Classicrendezv
ous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/
> > CR, > > > > I need your help. I lost one nut on an old style campy drop
out> adjuster. I carry my bike in the back of my Honda (60mpg) Insight.> P
lease let me know if you have one floating around in your spare parts!> > >
> Also, I'm in need of yellow bar plugs. We've been having glorious> ridin
g weather the last three days!> > > > James "on my ride yesterday I saw a b
ull with cujones the size of my> heaed" Doolittle > > Spring, Texas> > > >
uck Schmidt <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>> To: CR RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezv
ous@bikelist.org>> Subject: Re: [CR]M.A.F.A.C. Levers> Message-ID: <21C354F
6-5895-4A4F-8B1A-AB3E51FD0E10@earthlink.net>> In-Reply-To: <27645664.117072
1554398.JavaMail.root@elwamui-rubis.atl.sa.earthlink.net>> References: <276
45664.1170721554398.JavaMail.root@elwamui-rubis.atl.sa.earthlink.net>> Cont
ent-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed> MIM
E-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v752.2)> Content-Transfer-Encoding:
7bit> Precedence: list> Message: 13> > Richard Robinson wrote:> > > Hello,
> >> > Does anyone have a photo or location on the net where I can > > find
a photo of a first gen M.A.F.A.C. lever. I understand they > > had periods
between each letter in the logo and they had open > > backs. I have a set
the has the periods but the backs are half > > closed, and the upper part o
f the lever that is closed (metal > > folded over) has a large gap unlike r
egular Racer brake levers that > > close all the way. Can anyone help?> > >
CLASSIC BICYCLES - Satoru Mas (Campagnolo, Simplex, Huret, Decal > Project
, My Bikes) http://welcome.to/
> Eric Elman <tr4play@cox.net> wrote: Hello Mike,> > Although it may take a
while with the quantity of mags you have, whenever I > buy an old mag that
is musty I simply put it out in the sun and flip the > pages once in a whil
e over the course of a day. Natural sunlight seems to > kill whatever cause
s the musty oder (I suspect it is mold that's just not > visible to the nak
ed eye).> > Good luck,> > Eric Elman> Somers, CT USA> > > ----- Original Me
ssage ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 6:09 PM> Subj
ect: [CR]musty old bike mags and brochures> > > > Dear Listees,> >> > Nearl
y 10 years ago I squirrelled away 5 or 6 boxes worth of old brochures> > an
d bike magazines in my sister's basement crawlspace back in N.J. Last > > t
ime> > I visited I noticed that it must have gotten damp at one time down t
here > > and> > the stuff smelled kinda "musty". No visible mold or mildew,
just an> > unpleasant odor.> >> > Does anyone have any suggestions for rem
oving / lessening the stink ?> >> > Are these only fit for the dumpster now
?> >> > I have three milk crates worth of old Miroir du Cyclismes / Cyclin
g Weakly > > /> > Velo / and Bike Worlds that I would like to keep around.>
>> > Thanks,> > Mike Fabian> > San Francisco, CA USA> >> >> >> > _________
______________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> >
Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/
> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> http://ww
w.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> > > > ------------------
---------------> Need Mail bonding?> Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great ti
ps from Yahoo! Answers users.> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME par
ts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> -
--> ------------------------------> > _____________________________________
__________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Classicrendezvous mailing list