I am overdue to say thank you to both Doug Van Cleve and Mark Bulgier, w
ho came through with help after I made a plea onlist for a Universal Mod
. 61 brake pivot bolt. Said pivot bolt (from Doug, who wrote first) and
corresponding centrepull brake are now in place on the front of a blue F
rejus--not the black one I got from Pergolizzi (to whom I owe a call, es
pecially now that he lives in my old hometown; well, county) which neede
d nothing--though John, it will be getting a shorter stem--steel, Cinell
i, mint (but with a weakish stamp)--as soon as I can muster the determin
ation to spoil your admirable handlebar wrap. Regrets about that, but I
need my elbows bent just a bit more! I think you're taller than I, or is
it just that looming legend?
Tom Ward, underneath several orders more magnitude of snow than say, Rio
de Janeiro, in:
New York City (Manhattan)