Great ride and I think the wind was actually kind vs. the potential. Curtis of Via bikes brought his cute tyke of 18 months and they picked up a prime on the 25 foot overpass climb. Curtis had a nice late 50's PX-10 frame for sale. I didn't ask the price because I rode my '51 PH-10 but it is in very nice shape, blue with yellow accents is a classic and it is a great candidate if you have a donor bikes worth of parts. We had some new faces turn out for the ride and Tom and Christine were great hosts.
Joe Bender-Zanoni Great Notch, NJ wrote:
> Special thanks to Tom and Christine Adams for hosting the Jersey Shore ride. A bit windy but the sun was out. Turnout was very good. As door prizes, tom have away Ambrosio handlebars. Kewl door prize. We rode about 22 miles, had a mini swap meet, and talked bikes.
> I brought my 63 herse for its maiden voyage.
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling NJ
> Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless