[CR]Replica Campy Hoods

(Example: Racing)

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 21:54:27 -0800
From: "Felix Chiu" <fcjchiu@shaw.ca>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Thread-index: AcdvZByfrN0YsdjJQzyFzvKLkjDevg==
cc: Rnitro1969@aol.com
Subject: [CR]Replica Campy Hoods

Hi Gang,

I recently bought some Replica Campy Hoods from Robbie Fellows and finally had a chance to mount them on to some levers. They are so nice and supple and are very close in look and feel to the original. I remember the last time I bought some world logo hoods (NIP) from our favorite source - eBay a couple of years ago or so, I paid $108 including shipping. I was happy to get them at the time but within a few months after I took them out of the original packaging and installed them on a bike, they started to dry up and develop fine cracks all through the hoods. Something to be expected from 30 year old rubber products, I suppose.

I want to thank Robbie as well as the many repro decal vendors and makers/procurers of small no-longer-available repro parts to put in the effort, time and money to provide us with much needed parts to restore our old bikes and/or keeping them on the road. I realize that often times they are more labors of love than money making propositions but I for one appreciate your efforts greatly!


Felix Chiu

Still rainy and wet Vancouver, BC, Canada