John, Velo Orange also stocks new and NOS TA cranks, chainrings, pedals, etc. And we're a lot closer. Also, we still have a few brand new "60th Anniversary" Pro-5-Vis cranks. We can also get TA track 3-pin and 5-pin rings.
John Redman <> wrote: I wrote several emails to the gentlemen from Japan several days ago but have not gotten a reply. I also passed the CR message from Chris Kulczycki on to a Canadian outfit (Bicycle Specialties) that handles new, NOS TA. I, for one, would sure hate to lose this new-found resource. I am ready to order about six rings if I'm not already too late.
John Redman Hapeville (Atlanta) GA
Chris Kulczycki
Velo Orange
109 Colonial Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401