Re: [CR]Re: The super fascinating CT , soon to expire, site (Otis)

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 20:38:53 -0500
From: "coel canth" <>
To: p2vp26na <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: The super fascinating CT , soon to expire, site (Otis)
In-Reply-To: <003a01c77212$4c10b690$18ea3040@usera43ceae7ad>
References: <003a01c77212$4c10b690$18ea3040@usera43ceae7ad>

it's not so much that the 43T is a weird size in general, but the smallest ring Campy made for their 151 bolt circle diameter cranks was 44T. so how did these guys fit one less tooth where Campy couldn't (didn't ?) ? i got the impression from the pictures on their website that perhaps they didn't countersink the bolt holes which would be the first things to cause interference, but i can't read Japanese so i have no idea.. maybe Campy just never saw the need for a ring this small until they decided to go to the new 144mm bcd (41T = smallest).. i suppose when they designed the first cranks most people were still using a half-step setup with small jumps between the two rings..

Andrei Padlowski Glen Ridge, NJ

On 3/29/07, p2vp26na <> wrote:
> A 43 tooth chainring was mentioned. I have a Stronglight 49D with 52- 43
> tooth rings. I have never seen reference to 43 teeth, and assumed it was
> because of my unfamiliarity with these components. Can anyone explain
> why 43, and why so seldom seen? Learning.
> George Jones Dallas, TX