The only times in my life I have ever heard the word "Yo" associated with bicycles were back in my youth.
We used to go to the local swimming pool which in its early days was open to ALL residents. This caused quite a problem as we were constantly getting mugged and jumped by the then residents on East Palo Alto. Those guys stole all of our change that we intended to buy cherry slush drinks and candy bars with after making complete asses out of ourselves on the diving boards. The other thing that was bunk was that the pool was full of afro-sheen and jerry-curl gel.
I can remember standing in line in my wet little swimming trunks with a towel around me waiting to buy a slush, Milky Way, Reeses peanut butter cups, and M&M's. The wind kicked up and I had goose bumps all over my smooth little tanned brown body. Just then, I glanced to my left and saw a couple of brothers taking off on my bicycle. I said, "Hey what are you guys doing?" Then one of the guys said, "YO, we done just sto' yo bike fool! Off then went. I had to walk home in my wet swimming trunks.
Well, fortunately for us Palo Altans, either the owners of the pool or the City Council took action and made the cost 25 cents for Palo Alto residents to get into the pool and $7.00 for all others to enter!
Ted E. Baer
Palo Alto, CA
> Having resided in Spain for lengthy periods for over
> forty years, part of that time in the military, and
> being married to a Spain woman for 30 years, I have
> more than a passing knowledge of the Spanish
> language.
> The notion that a Spanish speaking soldier would
> respond with "yo" as a reply during a role call
> seems preposterous at best. The proper reply has
> always been (similar to that in English)
> -"presente".
> In any event, very few Six Day riders did military
> service in the Mexican Army.
> I suspect that too many beers were consumed before
> this silly answer was contrived-not to mention the
> beers afterward.
> George Hollenberg MD
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: cmontgomery
> Date: Friday, March 16, 2007 11:13 pm
> Subject: Re: [CR]Ted test
> To: ternst ,
> >
> > > >
> > > > Got to thinking about some of the old bike
> lingo.
> > > > This is one I remember from when I was a kid
> back in the '30's.
> > > > It was used through the fifties, and slowly
> died out with
> > the new age
> > > > riders.
> > > >
> > > > Yo-yo-yo-yo-yo.
> > > >
> > > > Ted,
> >
> > "Yo" was the term that replaced "present" during
> roll calls in
> > the U.S.
> > Cavalry during the invasion of Mexico in the late
> 1840's, "yo"
> > being Spanish
> > for I. Many early cycling clubs styled themselves
> after military
> > units in
> > the late 19th Century with uniforms and buglers.
> They maintained the
> > tradition and it transferred over as some of their
> members became
> > professional track racers. I'll venture a guess
> that it was the
> > term used by
> > riders as their names were called out prior to
> beginning a Six Day.
> >
> > Craig "I think I'll have another beer to boot"
> Montgomery
> > Tucson
> >
> >
> >
> >
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