There is a Vintage MASI bike ride this Sunday, March 18th. This ride al so falls close to Brians Birthday, which we will also be celebrating with Pizza and Beer following then ride at the Pizza Port in Solana Beach. We ll meet at 8:30am for Breakfast at the Java Depot in Solana Beach (located on
Hwy 101, just North of Lomas Santa Fe Solana Beach) and head out o n the ride at 9:30am. After Breakfast well head for the Rolan Salm ( spelling?) Mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, and from there up the coast to Carlsbad to visit the 1970s location of the MASI factory and then head back down the David Tesch Hwy101 to Solana Beach for Pizza and Beer. If you would like to bring a gift for Brian, I would suggest Tubular tires and or
Vintage Wool Jerseys .He can always use more Tubulars and more Wool Jers eys ( size Large). Were starting this ride a little earlier than we might , because we need to get back to John Pergolizzis house around 2:00pm so we can watch the conclusion of the Paris-Nice bike race on the TV. Thanks again Sterling Peters San Diego
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