[CR]re: nervex pro lugs

(Example: Racing:Jean Robic)

From: "c. andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 17:57:42 -0800
Subject: [CR]re: nervex pro lugs

Greg L. wrote, in part:

I must agree with Doug Fatics comments on nervex pro lugs . I have two frames that use them ,the first is a early 60's era H.A. Daycock that is very nicely constructed . The workmanship is first class throughout and the overall impression is that it is a frame built with much care {time } and attention to detail {time}. Who ever built it was a true craftsman. The second is a 1968 {I believe} Raleigh Super Course , The difference is remarkable. The lugs are rough ,and of varying thickness . I realize the Super Course is about as down market a bike as ever used


So far, the cleanest set of nervex lugs I've ever seen on a semi-production bike (although, truth be told, most of these were probably custom one-offs) are the lugs on the early 1960s Masi Specials that used the Nervex pro lugset. Very, very clean, lightly filed, with enough thickness to give the appearance of a certain...how shall I say?...muscle. The shorelines all perfectly radiused, without any rounding off of the edges.

Brian Baylis has also done some remarkable work with the old Nervex pro lugset, but I shudder to think at how much time it takes him to file them down and smooth them out as he does..

Charles Andrews SoCal

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