I am sure Russ is correct in suggesting that the braze-on is for a Primus stove - carrying a Primus stove under the top tube was quite common in Britain for campers.
Hilary Stone, Bristol, England
Michael Schmidt wrote:
> Russ,
> Since the folks that live in Europe tend to travel on the train with their
> bikes, I wonder if the braze on is for straps that are designed to minimize
> movement of the bike during transport.
> On 3/18/07 10:10 PM, "Russ Fitzgerald" <velocio@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Bob Freitas asked about the braze on fitted to a Jack Taylor shown at -
>> http://ebay.com/
>> ViewItem&item=140098007510&indexURL=0&photoDisplayType=2#ebayphotohostin
>> g>
>> - my suspicion is that since it was built in the land of the roadside
>> tea brew-up, the braze-on might be for carrying a Primus stove. I've
>> seen clamp fittings for carrying small stoves under the top tube.
>> Taylor believed in brazed-on everything, right? It makes sense that
>> they would provide such a fitting.
>> What do our cousins across the pond think?
>> Russ Fitzgerald
>> Greenwood, SC, USA
>> http://internaldetours.blogspot.com
>> _______________________________________________
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling, NJ