[CR]strange Raleigh 753 '77

(Example: History)

Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:14:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Emanuel Lowi" <lowiemanuel@yahoo.ca>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODqtRSe4INC00002fa8@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]strange Raleigh 753 '77

Here on eBay, a purported all original Raleigh 753 c.1977 with odd paint scheme:


I know later there was a midnight blue version -- this is quite different and looks earlier.

What's up?

Emanuel Lowi Montreal, Canada

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