RE: [CR]TA Bottle mounts needed

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]TA Bottle mounts needed
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:32:52 -0400
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Thread-Topic: [CR]TA Bottle mounts needed
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From: "Bingham, Wayne" <>
To: <>, <>, "Classic Rendezvous" <>

Here's another option: MG_1729.jpg.html MG_1730.jpg.html

I used modified Zefal pump-peg clamps. Sort of a black plastic worm-gear strap, similar to the hose clamps Harvey mentioned. Nothing really holds as well as the hose clamps though, but they always seemed so, well, automotive. I've also used modified band-clamps designed for attaching bottle cages to frames without braze-ons.

Wayne Bingham Lovettsville VA USA

>>>> I've been known to use small stainless worm-gear "radiator clamps" instead of groddy TA mounts. Rationalization, part 1: It's what TA would have used if they had thought about it. :-) Part 2: Better to ride with the neat bottle carrier than w/o.

Small consolations, I guess, and good luck.

harvey sachs mcLean va ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hello List: My recently acquired 1971 Paramount came with a couple of TA handlebar mounted waterbottle cages. Unfortunately, no clamps were included. Do any of you fine ladies and gentlemen know of a source for these clamps? Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks, Matthew Bowne Brooklyn, New York<<<<