I've used that trick myself with success, although it's more exciting
if you put a little TNT in the vent hole. ;-)
Also, Jack Gabus had someone make some of those out of stainless that
were awesome, they now reside on a Gios that belongs to Otis. If
someone needs some, maybe Jack can hook you up.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
I have 2 different sets of Gios/"Italian nickles"in my colection, The earlier version of the coin was made of metal, the later ones
The plastic ones were always hard to remove at repaint time, but I
learned a
trick way to remove them. I would take my air hose w/ a rubber tipped blow gun attached and
press it
against the vent hole in the fork blade, squeeze the button and it
usually remove it. While doing this I would hold my thumb over the
coin so I
wouldn't loose it, and this also prevented the coin from breaking in
half if
part of it was stuck, and part was loose...
Maybe this will help one of you someday at repaint time.
Peter Weigle
Lyme, Ct.