At 1:30 PM -0400 4/28/07, Michael Schmidt wrote:
>I have a copy of the New Cycling Rene Herse book. For those not familiar
>with the book, It contains photos and descriptions of Herse bicycles from
>1946 to 1981. While the photos are great, the book is almost entirely in
>Japanese. The only Japanese I know is maguro, toro, amaebi. Good for Sushi
>Bar only.
>I was wondering if anyone had the translation sheets and how could I go
>about obtaining a copy?
>Domo Arigato,
>Mike Schmidt
>Stirling, NJ
When the book first came out, I commissioned a translation of a few chapters. At the time, I sold the translation for $ 15 to share the substantial cost of translating by a Japanese translator. If you are interested, send me a check, and I'll send you a copy.
Jan Heine
Bicycle Quarterly
140 Lakeside Ave #C
Seattle WA 98122