I have had one of these on a Bruce Gordon Chinook since new in about 1980. It is still my absolute favorite bike ever. It just fits perfectly and feels exactly right. I have ridden it a lot over the years. Two cycleart repaints, several wheel rebuilds, many chains, many hub, bb, and headset overhauls. All parts except rims original. It has been enough to wear the saddle from the original textured "buffalo" finish to polished glossy smooth, and the rail structure hasn't broken yet. The post is the original SR, with a slightly longer alloy bolt than on standard posts. Perhaps Bruce machined out the post clamp grooves a little to fit better when he put it together - (Bruce if you are out there, let us know). I weigh about 145.
Question 2 on the day. I have a Cinelli unicanitor
saddle with what looks like cast aluminum rails. What
are these called and what is the mating seatpost look
like? Or is one expected to wedge them in a regular
post? What is the expected life under a non climbers
Thanks pals,