Hi CR folks,
The Campy cat 18bis catalog and the old newsletter reprints are sold. If more turn up (more sorting) or I do another newsletter reprint batch I'll email the group.
Nuovo Record headset washers and a couple of the Brooks Team Pro saddles remain available.
Mike Kone Boulder CO
Vintage Road Bike
> Hi CR list -
\r?\n> Just found a Campy cat 18 bis catalog - very nice but not perfect condition -
\r?\n> priced for CR members at $17 including priority shipping (only within US).
\r?\n> Also, there are some Brooks Team Pro saddles here NOS black with chrome rails.
\r?\n> The US distrubutor seems to be out of stock on these for a few weeks - so
\r?\n> thought I'd give the CR group a heads-up. Price is $89 and if you pay by check
\r?\n> (not paypal) it will ship for just $8 - just email your address, I'll send
\r?\n> saddle, you send check.
\r?\n> Also, still some Campy NR headset washers here - price is $19 for 10 of these
\r?\n> beauties including shipping in the US. Paypal on these OK, but check as always
\r?\n> is prefered.
\r?\n> Also found is just one copy of the complete reprint series of all the Vintage
\r?\n> Racing Bicycle Newsletters that was done last year. There are 17 issues that
\r?\n> have all sorts if info about vintage racing bikes and as you read it you can see
\r?\n> my evolution of thought and horrid lack of spelling and layout evolution. Also
\r?\n> includes early reprints of Bicycle Classics Inc. catalogs. Price is $30
\r?\n> including shipping.
\r?\n> All stuff only shipped to US by postal priority - just can't stomach the 30m
\r?\n> lines at the local post office these days which foreign shipping often requires.
\r?\n> Checks go to
\r?\n> Vintage Road Bike
\r?\n> PMB506 1630A 30th Street
\r?\n> Boulder, CO 80301
\r?\n> Mike Kone in Boulder CO